Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Met up with Kustom Jeff Friday to score some old mags. Always good seeing you buddy and thanks for the classic stash.  
Saw this at Wally-World and had to grab a photo since i just finished the Louisiana run of sauces. I bet this is utter crap...

I rode Friday but nowhere special, just ran around from store to store doing a little research on some loose ends we need tied up around the house. Saturday I went to work on a buddy's barn-fresh CB550. His hangover and lack of tools hampered our ability to get anything of real significance done. It does have two new spark plugs and the oil and water mixture that was in the engine was drained...

Questioning texts and the followup phone calls lead me to a buddy's place. I hadn't seen him in awhile and his workshop is full of halfway finished projects. I'm certain I made him late to work and for that, I am sorry. He caught up with me later and didn't mention getting fired so I guess I'm clean. 

I didn't take any pictures of this stuff. As the saying goes, "If there isn't a picture, it didn't happen" so I guess the above is all lies.

Speaking of photos, I'm taking part in Lady Hump's February Blogosphere Challenge. The idea is to avoid the redundancy you are bound to notice if you are a casual browser or hardcore follower of the motorcycle blog universe. The rules are simple and in my case, I just gotta keep on doing what I've already been doing. Well, at least most of the time. I looked back and in the past few months the only non-original content I posted was one photo I didn't take, the Flake and Flames trailer and a Fartbarf video. Anyhow, today I am emptying my phone, its on!


  1. Glad you're enjoying the magazines. I'm trying to slow down my packrat ways and get some of my cool stuff to people who will appreciate it. ;-)

  2. I am always in the market for FREE cool stuff.


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