Thursday, November 15, 2012

Rush, 11/01/12

Last week I piled into a giant SUV with a couple friends to see Rush in Atlanta. Touring in support of the new album "Clockwork Angels", they added a string section for this tour and changed up the set. I was stoked to see them again especially considering the new album and tour changes.

We stopped at The Vortex first for burgers and beer. I opted to try the Hell Burger, a half pound of ground sirloin topped with pepper-jack cheese, habanero relish and a roasted jalapeno. I also got a side of tater tots and the burger came with lettuce tomato and onion on the side. This thing was killer, just the right amount of heat that didn't overshadow the flavor.

For beers, I tried a concoction they call a Black Skull: a Left Hand Milk Stout and Laughing Skull Amber Ale blend. SONOFABITCH this was awesome! They have 9 draft concoctions on the menu and I've never had a bad meal there. If you are anywhere close, give the Vortex a shot.
I could talk all day about the show...but I won't. All I will say is that the new album is killer, the show was incredible, the string sections was a brilliant addition and if you are a fan and you've never seen them, do it now. They haven't lost a step and the video screens, stage setup, pyro and lack of an opening act make for an awesome experience.


  1. Yeah, the Vortex is my favorite restaurant of all time. Killer burgers and beer/liquor selection.

  2. I missed this post before. Show looked awesome, I dig Rush, I get made fun of by my wife and some friends for it, but they just don't understand. I've always thought it seems people either get it or don't.
    Also, I gotta make it to Atlanta now, Vortex looks awesome.

  3. Made fun of?
    Don't they know Rush is mainstream and legit now? They finally got into the R&R hall of fame!

    If you are anywhere close to Atlanta, the Vortex is a must. Back in the day, pre wife and kids, there were several times I would leave Birmingham, ride to the Vortex, have lunch and a couple beers and ride home.


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