Friday, November 23, 2012

Hot Sauce of the Week

Loco Lito's Pray for Mercy-Wow! This is no doubt one of the best hot sauces I have ever had. There are three different peppers in the mix: habanero, ghost and pico de paloma. Aside from the heat, there are sweet almost fruity notes at play. I really like sauces where you can look at the bottle and see the chunks, seeds and spices. Seriously...this stuff is awesome.
This one came back with my wife from the Slocomb Tomato Festival this summer. Lito was at the festival selling her goods and was also nice enough to give her a free sample of another sauce for me to try. On her website, there are tons of sauces, jellies, relishes, etc. I highly recommend that you click here to get a bottle of this sauce and while you are there check out the other offerings.   


  1. I can't believe I just saw this!!! Thank you very much!!!! I'm very glad that you enjoyed my sauces!!!!!

  2. Enjoyed is an understatement.
    If I could only have one sauce for the remainder of my days, yours would easily be in the top three choices. Easily.
    If you are reading this and haven't ordered a bottle of this stuff, do it now and thank me later.

  3. Anyone looking to place an order could visit the Facebook page and/or call 334-595-9HOT (9468)


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