Friday, August 16, 2013

Hot Sauce of the Week

La Anita Extra Hot Pepper Sauce-I love recipes that read something like "water, habanero, spices, various chemicals." Spices...could you be more vague? I understand the desire for secrecy in recipes but come on already. When I make my own sauce, the ingredient label will read: "stuff to make a delicious hot sauce." Moving on, this one is fairly serious. That said it is pretty spicy and I may be getting a little immune thanks to the ghost pepper sauces that have come across the plate lately. The flavor is good too taking a back seat to the heat. I like this one, it likely wont last long. Made in Mexico.


  1. La Anita makes good products . . .

  2. Yeah, I have been very pleased with the sampler pack I picked up on my Mexico trip.
    Good stuff for sure.


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