Thursday, December 19, 2013

Train Cars

So after reading this post, I decided to go out and take a closer look at a couple of the old train cars nearby. Both of these are really close to the house. The first is actually attached to an orthodontist's office.
 According to the marker it used to be the North Birmingham Railroad Depot. There are other railroad implements scattered around the building as well.
As the sign says, this one is currently in use as the clearance section of an antique store. I've been in it before but I really didn't pay attention or grab any pictures. A return trip is in order.

There is also a new shopping and entertainment area right outside of the city proper that is utilizing old train cars. I meant to make it out there too but ran short on time. I'll make it a point to go check it out soon. 


  1. Nice! I am trying to convince my wife that we should build a house out of used cabooses and 40' rail containers!

  2. I think that is a great idea. Shipping container homes are very in right now.


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